To optimize the security of your premises, your material and sensitive equipment as well as to guarantee the safety of your personnel, THIRARD offers you its range of lockout equipment. Lockout equipment such as lockout padlocks, for example, makes it possible to lock out or block access relating to the safety of people and work equipment. By definition :
Consignment is a safety procedure in order to ensure the protection of people and equipment against the consequences of any accidental maintenance or any untimely appearance or reappearance of energy or dangerous fluid on this equipment (this consignment may be partial or total).
Locking is an operation that consists in guaranteeing the maintenance of the separation (generally obtained by locking thanks to a hardware device that is difficult to neutralize), so that its removal is impossible without the voluntary action of an authorized person.
The Labor Code also requires that work equipment be “designed and constructed so that their installation, use, adjustment and maintenance, in conditions consistent with their intended purpose, do not expose people to a risk of harm to their health or safety (art. L.4311-1 of the labor code). The lockout devices must imperatively allow safety in relation to the complexity of the work equipment and the frequency of operations. Accidents, which are still too frequent, are still due to the contact of one or more employees with:
bare electrically live parts;
pressurized fluids (hydraulics, steam, dangerous chemicals, etc.);
mechanical parts making an unexpected movement.
In the majority of cases, the victim thought he was safe, but the recording turned out to be incomplete.
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