Covid-19 – Thirard is informing you

We hope that you and your loved ones are in good health as you read this information.

Following recent government communications announcing a gradual deconfinement from May 11, 2020, we have decided to extend the closure period of our company until May 7, 2020.

As you know, we have set up a commercial, technical and logistical service to cope with the extremely reduced activity of the company and to meet our obligations towards essential businesses, in particular ENEDIS – GDF, retail businesses. constructions, professional hardware and industrial supplies, being upstream of the chain for public authorities such as State, Hospital, Army.

In addition to e-mail support, you can always reach us by phone at the following numbers:

Industry customers:
Mr. Guy Roulet, Sales Director Building, Export and Industry Group: +33 6 30 97 98 47
Mr. Hubert Saint-Georges, Industry Director: +33 6 71 17 59 14

Specialized Distribution France customers:
Mr. Xavier Devynck, Sales Director Specialized Distribution France: +33 6 84 73 72 49

Export customers: permanence is maintained by e-mail only for the moment

Technical side of customers and suppliers (industrialization, projects, etc.) + mail reception:
Mr. Ludovic Renson, Technical Director: +33 6 73 88 11 01

Mr. Yannick Floury, Production Director: +33 6 45 73 98 01

Customer and supplier logistics:
Mr. Emmanuel Magin, Logistics Manager: +33 6 45 73 95 64

Continue to respect the containment rules to allow a quick exit from this bad patch, hoping that the health crisis will not impact our business too severely in the short, medium and long term.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones,

Barnabé Chivot