描述 : 衝壓鋼外殼 ep. 20/10 th. 鎖盒尺寸 of 75 x 130 毫米, 軸距 45 毫米. 門桿可用於上鎖1.65米至2.25米門. 門梗內在結構可讓鎖匙從室內或室外帶動門舌. 黃銅門栓和門舌. Ø 16 毫米上下鋼門栓 on flat steel rods allowing a very precise adjustment to the desired length和requiring no cutting. High strength square striker. Rod covers, guides和門栓 strikers high和bottom in steel leaving no fixing screws. 鎖膽 hubcap on the inner side.? Square?7?毫米. Simple handle provided for 方孔 lock. The mounting of the lock does not require specific serration of the 門Options: Set of high-rise rods allowing locking up to 3 m. DOUBLE BELUGA crutch. Hinge guards. Rod kit. Specific protective equipmentLock reinforcement plate. 2 pins made of hardened steel in the 門栓 for protection against sawing. Steel protective cabochon against 鎖膽 spitting. 2 鎖膽 drilling protection pins (stator / rotor)和first 3 hardened steel pins. 鎖膽孔 鎖膽 TRANSIT 2Engine 帶 標準ized European 鎖膽孔 in brass 30 x 65 毫米 45 毫米門專用 max. 8-pin mechanism protected against hooking. Anti-tear sintered steel panel. Protection against piercing by needle和pin in hardened steel. 4條可逆轉鍍鎳黃銅鎖匙, 附帶鑰匙卡. 下按需求發送.. 表面處理: 環氧棕色或白色 版本: 左側或右側開啟. 拉鉤或門閂. 用途: